Mobile phones are always with us and play a crucial role in our lives.
Android operating system powers most of the world's mobile devices, it gives you much more flexibility for creating apps and games, as well as an open marketplace for distributing them instantly.

This course consists of 16 modules, detailed, step-by-step texts, videos and activities, which support students in learning programming concepts, developing Android applications and publishing them.

MIT App Inventor is a free, blocks-based, referred to as visual programming tool, which will be used in this course, and doesn't require any previous experience in programming. 

It's time to create an app in less than one hour.

In this module, we will introduce algorithms, how to write algorithm using flowchart and pseudocode, and you will know the relation between algorithm and programming.
After this module, you can set up App inventor.
We encourage you to use your own Android device so you can set up App Inventor.

Let's Start ......

Skill Level: Beginner

Exploring what is available in App Inventor is a good way to feel more comfortable while building apps.

In this module we will introduce the two key sections of App Inventor: the designer and the blocks editor. We will focus on the different components available in the designer and the different blocks in the blocks editor.

Let's Start ......

Skill Level: Beginner

Using app inventor is a good way to build an Android app.
In this module you will get to build your first app using some of the basic functionalities.

Let's Start ......

Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner